7 Things that Will Stop Your House from Selling in Kincardine to Port Elgin

The market outlook for selling your Kincardine – Port Elgin area home over the next several months looks very good. If you are thinking of listing to sell your Kincardine or Port Elgin area home, the following are seven of the biggest obstacles that may get in the way of finding that ideal Buyer that will pay you your best price for your home.
1-    Keep your Curb Appeal Positivehome selling curb appeal If the outside of your house looks unappealing many Buyers won’t even go inside to give it a chance. The best answer is to clean up your front yard by tidying plants and pulling up weeds. Buyers want to have a sense that the house cared –for. Other strong suggestions are to paint the trim, keep the lawn cut (or keep the snow well shoveled) and place attractive potted plants (real or otherwise) by the door. 2-    Eliminate Unpleasant Odors Buyers will notice many smells that you may not even notice any more. Smoking and pets are the prime causes, so smoke outside while you are selling your house and consider what to do with your animals. The waterfront has its own odor challenges so just because you have a beachfront doesn’t mean this is not a concern for you. Allow the house to air out thoroughly before viewings. Most importantly, don’t just try to mask the odor with another scent, remove the scent itself. 3-    Pets: Loud and scary dogs cats or birds Beyond the smell of some animals, big dogs or noisy birds can be very off-putting to some buyers. The best idea is to keep your dog / bird elsewhere during the selling process or at least when you have viewings so your potential Buyers aren’t distracted or, worse, scared. 4-    Visible Signs of Dampness Our Lighthouse Coast weather and groundwater present some challenges this way so best to ensure your home has no risks. Any evidence of mildew or mould will eliminate many potential Buyers.  One of the biggest turnoffs for Buyers is to see signs of dampness.  Ensure your basement doesn’t smell damp. In particular remedy any signs of dampness on the walls. It’s so much better to fix problems right now than wait for buyers to point them out to you by deciding to not make an offer because of it. 5-    Grime and Dirtiness While dirt may be only cosmetic, it turns off many buyers. When they see dirt they usually start to assume the house overall has not been well maintained or cared-for. Kitchens and bathrooms particularly, are main focus points to be sure to keep very clean. 6-    Wrong price Our goal is the same as yours: to obtain the best price possible for your home. It is a reality however, that if your house it too expensive compared to similar properties on the market, you’ll turn away viewers. There is an old adage out there that “I only need one.” This has truth but you make get quite old and frustrated waiting for them. So take your agent’s advice when it comes to setting a price for your home. It is great to be aggressive. It must however, remain realistic. 7-    Unique Décor Everyone’s house is their castle. Although your home’s décor shouldn’t matter, to many buyers it does. Sometimes the particular taste of individual people may be fantastic to them but maybe not so much to many of the potential Buyers. Many want a house they feel they immediately identify with and can move into right away. We recommend removing any tired or out-of-date carpets or wallpapers and replacing them with a more neutral, modern scheme that will appeal to a wider home buying demographic spectrum. The Port Elgin and Kincardine area is a fabulous place to live. Values are good. The market is strong. It is a good time to sell. Taking advantage of the suggestions above as well as making a careful selection of your Real Estate Agent will be your best decisions in ensuring that your home  selling process will be quick, less stressful and the as profitable for you as possible. For more Kincardine to Port Elgin Home Selling information and a complimentary consultation, contact Morrison at 519-389-7153.

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